Sometimes you just need someone to talk over the options or to help you work out how to accomplish what you want to get done. Or maybe you need someone to look over web copy or other materials to see if they are going to land you in hot water. I’m here for that.

What my consulting covers
My consulting services cover all aspects of soap and cosmetic labeling, and most aspects of good manufacturing practices and the other regulations that might apply to soap and cosmetic handcrafters. It bends and shapes to fit your needs and is based entirely on what you want help with – and how much help you want.
For example, if you want to learn how to label your products or create an ingredient declaration, I can go over the requirements with you and give you the tools you need to do it yourself. Or alternatively, if you just want it done for you, then you can provide me with the formula, and I’ll give you back a finished (and correct) ingredient declaration.
Thank you for answering my question. I really appreciate your straightforward answer. I have not been able to get one before. Sure made a difference to me. … Thank you again for someone who watches out for us. Depending on your very timely research is so refreshing. Thank YOU! — Liz
Some of the services I have provided for clients in the past include:
- Answering questions about MoCRA or other regulations
- Reviewing a series of similar labels and providing suggestions for changes to make them compliant
- Creating an ingredient declaration, with several optional ways of ordering or naming the ingredients
- Calculating percentages of ingredients (particularly for soap)
- Calculating if IFRA standards are being met when using a custom essential oil blend
- Reviewing label, brochure, and/or website text to make sure no illegal claims are being made
- Assisting with safety substantiation for ingredients and/or products
- Writing Standard Operating Procedures for GMP compliance
How are services provided?
Depending on the need, consulting services are provided by email, phone, or virtual meeting. Usually, it’s a combination.
I have different options to meet different budgets and situations:
Phone/Zoom Consultation – $150, 1 hour
You book a time, and I’m there to answer your questions, look at your documents, and help with whatever you need. If you’re a more verbal person and prefer to talk things out, this would work for you. Simple and straightforward.
Email Consultation – $125, 1 hour
Send me your questions or documents (or both) by email and I’ll answer your questions or review the documents for you. This is a good option if you have a specific issue, such as questions you want answered, an ingredient declaration you need created, fragrance allergen amounts calculated, or safety substantiation documentation. The hour must be used within 30 days.
Consulting Packages – Silver, Gold & Platinum
If your needs are more in-depth and could take more than an hour, a consulting package is the best choice. The higher the package, the more hours are included and the less it is per hour. The time can be delivered in a combination of email or phone/zoom meetings and can cover whatever you need now, or that comes up in the future. You’ll have access to a client portal where you can submit requests, upload documents, and see the time spent. You have up to a year to use the time.
Silver Consulting Package – 5 hours, $593.75 – $118.75 per hour
Gold Consulting Package – 10 hours, $1125 – $112.50 per hour
Platinum Consulting Package – 25 hours, $2500 – $100 per hour
Retainer – $350 month
For a situation when you know you’re going to need help on an on-going basis and will want immediate attention. Retainer clients get priority service, as close to 24/7 as I can manage. As with consulting packages, you will have a client portal to submit requests, upload documents, and see the time spent. Consulting can be by phone/zoom or by email. You get up to 5 hours per month ($70 per hour, if you use all 5 hours). Hours don’t roll over from month-to-month. A six-month commitment is required.
Think this might be a fit for you?
If you think consulting might be the right for you, then the next step is to submit an inquiry form with your details and what you are looking for. There’s no obligation, but it will help us determine if we have a good fit.
The difference between Consulting and A Label Review
My Label Review Service is different than consulting. It’s always done only by email and reviews an already-created label. You get back a checklist of what should be addressed.
Disclaimer: I am not an attorney, and so can’t offer “legal advice.” In this day and age, only an attorney can tell you whether or not you are following the law/regulations. What I can do is provide detailed legal information concerning existing regulations so you can make any adjustments or edits to your labels you see fit.