Worried about whether your label is compliant with the regulations?
Many people have asked me over the years if I would take a look at their labels and let them know if anything needed to be changed in order to comply with the regulations. So many people, in fact, that I now offer an actual service doing that.
If you have labels and you’re not sure whether they meet all the regulations, I can review them for you. I’ll look over the label and the pertinent regulations and point up any regulations that are applicable and may indicate that adjustments are needed for your label.
I want my labels to be as close to compliance as I can get them. I took advantage of your label review service and can’t thank you enough for your expert advice. It was money well spent. — N.M.
How Does the Label Review Service Work?
It’s an easy process! Purchase a label review (below). Then send me images of your labels and a description of the container(s) they are on.
I run down a checklist of each regulation that applies to cosmetic labels and I check your label against the requirements. The checklist covers:
- Product and ingredient claims
- Required label content (present or absent)
- Net Contents – statement, format, size, and placement
- Business name & address – completeness
- Ingredient declaration – content, ingredient names, order of ingredients
- Organic claims
- Contact for adverse event reporting (new with MoCRA)
- Environmental claims – free-of, sustainability, recyclability, etc
- Made in the USA claims – compliance with standards
- Optional content – batch numbers, use-by-date, “e” estimated symbol, third-party certifications, etc.
You get the completed checklist, with notes on each point and directions if there is something that should be addressed. You also get documentation explaining applicable regulations so you can review them for yourself.
After you have a chance to review the materials, I will answer any questions you may have.
Finally, if you make revisions to your label, I will take a quick look at the revised label and offer any additional suggestions.
How to Purchase a Label Review
The cost is $125 per label. Use the link below to submit your payment via credit card through Stripe. If you want more than one label reviewed, you can change the quantity when you make your payment. Note that if you want several similar labels reviewed, purchasing consulting services may be more cost effective. (The button below opens in a new tab or window.)
Once payment is complete, you’ll receive an email with a list of items you need to send for the review.
Be prepared to provide images of the label(s), dimensions of the label(s) if they are not apparent in the image, a description (or picture) and dimensions of the container the label will be going on, and any other pertinent details about the packaging. Allow about a week for your label review to be completed.
Marie, I want to sincerely thank you for the great service you provide to promote proper labeling. Your label review service has made my quest to create product labels to meet the requirements of the Fair Packaging and Labeling Act easy and has provided the assurance I was looking for. Your review is easy to understand and follow. Plus, your follow up is quick. I also want to thank you for making my experience very positive. You have freely provided answers to my questions and your genuine kindness is felt even through wifi! — -A. P.
Handcrafted Soap and Cosmetic Guild Members: I offer a discount to HSCG Members. To take advantage, you’ll need to go through the HSCG store to purchase the label review.
Disclaimer: I am not an attorney, and so can’t offer “legal advice.” In this day and age, only an attorney can tell you whether or not you are following the law/regulations. What I can do is provide detailed legal information concerning existing regulations so you can make any adjustments or edits to your labels you see fit.