For over 15 years I’ve been researching and following the world of laws, regulations, standards and guidelines for the handcrafted soap and cosmetic industry. What started as a personal quest to understand soap and cosmetic labeling for my own products has grown into a deep understanding of the myriad of requirements that handcrafted soap and cosmetics makers are subject to.
My personal passion to assist others to understand and follow the labeling and other requirements that grew out of all that research. If I had my way, no handcrafter would ever experience the stress and heartache of unwittingly running afoul of the the laws and regulations.
There is peace of mind in knowing that your are compliant with the applicable regulations. I’m here to help you achieve that stress-free relationship with your products and your business.
Whether you know it or not, you’ve been an invaluable resource for me throughout our years in business as I’ve relied on your many books whenever I have questions. I’ve recently purchased “Navigating the Rules & Regulations” and am going through it with tabs & a highlighter and am learning more than I ever expected. — Julia
Latest blog articles
“Extended Producer Responsibility” refers to a new(ish) movement to shift responsibility for the cost of recycling to producers rather than consumers. California, Colorado, Oregon, and Maine have already enacted EPR Laws
Some symbols on cosmetic logos have specific (and legal) requirements. Before putting a symbol on your product, make sure you know what a symbol means (and that you’ve paid if required).
MoCRA included a requirement for the FDA to create regulations to for testing methods to detect and identify asbestos in talc-containing products by 29 December 2023. That didn’t happen.
Certified color additives are colors additives that the FDA checks and certifies before they can be sold. In fact, they are the only products that the FDA lab tests and certifies before they caan be used or sold.
Lawsuit against Sephora over “clean” claims is dismissed by court.
Laws, regulations, guidances, and standards. They all seem like something that you need to comply with, but they are different. Here’s what you need to know.
MoCRA requires cosmetic products and their ingredients have adequate safety substantiation. In other words, you must know your ingredients and products are safe, and have some sort of scientific data to prove it.
This morning (November 8, 2023) the FDA issued an update stating that they are delaying enforcement of cosmetic facility and product registration requirements until July 1, 2024.
Tales of Soap Sally, a wicked washerwoman, child murderer and entrepreneur from Appalachia.
On September 25, 2023, the EU adopted measures to restrict intentionally added microplastics in cosmetics and many other products. Loose glitter is prohibited as of Oct 15, 2023.
The Handcrafted Soap and Cosmetic Guild recently added comprehensive guide to the Modernization of Cosmetic Regulations Act of 2022 (MoCRA) and a wizard to help you determine what you need to do.
Unilever (Dove) recently challenged some of the claims made by Jukebox Soap including “natural” and “no harsh chemicals” – Natural Won!
$125 per label
If you want another set of (experienced) eyes on your label to make sure it meets all the requirements, a label review is a good choice. A Label review checks your label against the pertinent regulations. You get a checklist of showing if corrections are needed (or not), along with documentation to help you understand the requirements. Label reviews take about a week. Once your review is complete, you can send the revised label and I’ll take a look to make sure everything is in order.
I wanted my labels to be as close to compliant as I could get them. I took advantage of your label review service and can’t thank you enough for your expert advice. It was money well spent! — N.M.
$100 – $125 per hour
Consulting is the tailor-made solution to address whatever your concerns are with your labeling, GMP, MoCRA compliance, safety substantiation, and the like. Consulting can be as simple as just answering the questions you have by email, phone or online meeting, or it can cover reviewing all your labels, ingredient declarations, website copy, safety substantiation documentation, and good manufacturing practices. It’s your call – I’m here to help with what you need.
I speak on behalf of the entire team that we are all very appreciative of your work in helping us grow our brand. It is a big step for us, and you have been instrumental in making that a reality. Thank you for your help. — D.C..