Category: Life & Travels

Most of my personal and life posts are through my Facebook page (

For info on our RV travels several years back, see our blog Roaming the Back Roads (

  • I’ve Been Roasted!

    I’ve Been Roasted!

    I just got back from the Handcrafted Soapmakers Guild conference in Palm Springs, CA. It was an awesome 3-day experience! Being the current President of the Soap Guild, I had responsibilities while there and was involved in the preparations (although Leigh O’Donnell, the Conference Chairman, was truly the mastermind behind it all). I loved having the opportunity to […]

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  • 2009 HSMG Conference

    I’m off to the Handcrafted Soap Makers Guild 2009 Conference in Palm Springs bright and early tomorrow morning! Very excited about it – this will probably be our best conference yet.

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  • Raise The Bar, Use Handcrafted Soap


    That’s what the license plate holder on my truck says now.  I just put the new Handcrafted Soap Guild license plate holder on my truck.  Required a little cleaning up of things to get the mud off, but I think it looks pretty nice! It’ll be cool to drive around and have it be known […]

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  • Off to HSMG Conference!

    Off to HSMG Conference!

    As I write this (May 2009) I am finishing up all the loose ends to get ready to leave. Very excited (now that most of the stress of the preparations is done)! The HSMG Annual Conference is a really big deal within the soapmaking community and for me as the President of the HSMG. Leigh […]

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  • John Adams, 2nd President of the United States

    John Adams, 2nd President of the United States

    Last night I watched the 7th and final episode of the HBO Miniseries “John Adams.” While I’ve been intrigued and educated through the entire series, it was the last episode that gave me the most insight into the man himself. I attribute that to the fact that it covers the last years of his life, […]

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  • Tax Day – We Need a Change

    Tax Day – We Need a Change

    I hate tax day. Like many (maybe most) Americans, I seriously resent the time and effort I have to spend to file taxes every year. Filling in the forms has gotten easier over the years with e-File and programs like TurboTax, but even with that I spent over 6 hours putting together my taxes last […]

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  • United Airlines – AGAIN

    United Airlines – AGAIN

    I posted before about my sad experience with United. I wasn’t sure I was going to use the $150 coupon they gave me, but I did. And everything seemed to be fine. For a while.

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  • Silent Birth – A New Perspective

    The idea of a silent birth was a concept presented in Dianetics, The Modern Science of Mental Health, based on the premise that words spoken during pain or unconsciousness could have adverse effects on a person later in life. I’ve observed it to be true myself, both from my own personal recall and from applying […]

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    Last night (Saturday) was one of the major events within the Church of Scientology—the celebration of L. Ron Hubbard’s birthday. There is an international event in Clearwater, Florida which is video’ed and then shipped out to all the outlying Churches so the parishioners there can watch it. I went to see it in Portland. I’m […]

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  • United Airlines – Bad Customer Service

    United Airlines – Bad Customer Service

    UNBELIEVABLY bad customer service! In the beginning of June (2007) I went to Burlington, Vermont. My trip back to Oregon, on June 8th was the absolute WORST travel experience I’ve ever had. It wasn’t because my flights were delayed by weather, or because I ended up having to spend the night in the Chicago airport, […]

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  • Soap Cutting

    Soap Cutting

    Yesterday was the day for cutting soap. I made 8 batches several days ago and they’ve been wrapped in their blankets, patiently waiting to be cut. Now in the drying rack (see picture above) I have pumpkin spice, peach, swirled unscented, lovespell, sandalwood & amber and kumquat. Sort of an eclectic mix! I do so […]

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